
Few Are Coming to See Greece’s Modern Olympic Ruins –

Few Are Coming to See Greeces Modern Olympic Ruins – So now we have the ancient ruins and the folly of 2004 ruins. Nice.


WordPress 3.0

As of today, version 3.0 of WordPress is released. I upgraded the blog and shifted it to the new default Theme, which I find very appealing.

Life Science

Infographic about the Gulf of Mexico disaster

This infographic gives a nice perspective on the ongoing disaster in the Gulf. HT to Mona Nomura, on whose posterous blog I first saw it.

Books Life

Semester’s on…

All my projects are behind schedule. The semester started too early! Of course I have not improved my book-reading habits, so now I have more books I’ve started to add to that long list: My Name Is Red, by Turkish Nobel winner Orhan Pamuk, and Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945, by Tony Judt. I will be sure to report here when I finish a book (I hope it won’t take months and months…)

On the positive side, I am enjoying making all new lecture notes for my undergraduate mathematical economics class, as it has been several years since the last time I developed my teaching materials for that. There are now many more cheap and very capable software applications for making useful graphs, for instance. Of course math and math econ don’t change all that much from year to year, but the ability to illustrate the topic better is now very tempting and, really, needs to be put to good use.

Life vacation

Back from Florida

We visited St. Pete Beach from January 11 to the 15th to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. The first two days we had cold weather, but it gradually warmed up and by the last day (why does it have to be so?) it was full-blown beach/pool weather. Since I was trying out Qik on my iPhone, there are plenty of little video clips to see from the trip, at my Qik site.


John Stewart on “Simpler Times”

Very nice catch by Alex Tabarrok on John Stewart piece on why politicians always extol the past.


Testing the iPhone WordPress app



A moving piece by Roger Ebert

It will make you sad but not too much; go ahead, give it a read. Ebert is resilient, in the best spirit of Homo Sapiens. Nil by mouth, but lots by brain, good humor, and the power to overcome.


Darwin awards 2009

The Darwin awards for 2009 have been announced. ‘Nuff said.


Happy New Year!

No more posts today about reading or anything else but: Happy New Year!